Our dock diving pool is finally open here at The Northern Border, LLC. The pool is 21ft wide by 48ft long and equipped with a 50ft, artificially turfed dock, baby dock, stairs, and a ramp to enter and exit the pool. Additionally, we have a second ramp leading to the dock, for those individuals who have a hard time with steps, or are in a wheelchair! 

Booking is available on our website by using the link

Pricing Information

30 min – $35 without assistance 

60 min – $60 without assistance 

Each additional dog outside the household is $10/30 minutes and $15/60 minutes! 

We have multiple private lessons and workshops scheduled throughout the summer for dock diving with assistance with Johnna Zona and Zakary Filler. If you are interested in booking time slots with one of the two of our dock diving experts, please check the dates below, and register using our Jotform. Also, Johnna may add additional weekdays/weekends depending on demand for additional assistance! 

Zak is the head trainer at Duke’s K9 Dash N’ Splash for the last 8 years, and would love to help you and your dog, no matter the level, for a 30 min, 1 on 1 private lesson. 

  • Saturday June 22nd, 2024  – Sign Up
  • Saturday August 10th, 2024 – Sign Up

Do you want to challenge your dog, or are an experienced dock diver? This Eclise (Fetch It) seminar, instructed by Johnna Zona, a national level competitor and judge, can help you reach your competition goals or add a new series of skill sets to your dog’s dock diving experience!!! 

June 29th, 2024 from 9am – 2pm  & June 30th, 2024 from 9am – 2pm –  Sign Up

Dock Diving Events

The Northern Border, LLC has four  International Dog Sports Dock Diving events scheduled for the 2024 season located in Washingtonville, Ohio.

Entry Forms are listed below! Let’s get these dates on your calendar’s! 

  • Spring into Action – May 30th – June 1st  – Sign Up
  • Life’s a Beach – June 27th – 29th – Sign Up
  • Keeping it Cool – July 18th – 20th – Sign Up
  • That’s a Wrap – August 22nd – 24th – Sign Up
  • 2025 IDS Championship – September 12th – 14th

Please bring your own toys and towels. There will be a liability waiver that must be signed prior to your rental slot. The waiver is good for 1 year 

Well, its Official!!! ✅

We will be adding a regulation size (22ft x 47ft) DOCK DIVING POOL to our location and have been accepted as an IDS recognized facility! 🙌🏻💦🐶

The pool will arrive the first week of August, and will offer monthly memberships, rentals, dog conditioning and therapy, additions to our boarding/board and train programs, monthly seminars, and hopefully, host events! 🙏🏻❤️🔥🌊

Thank you for our collaboration with EZ Pools who made this all possible along with their excellent customer service! We are excited about this new venture, and hope to have TONS of fun swimming and jumping the dogs! 🤩🤩🤩

The Northern Border K9 Athlete Center is, well, EVERYTHING dog! Agility, Obedience, Schutzhund, Working K9’s, Dock Diving, Canine Conditioning and Therapy, Building Rentals, Boarding, Board/Trains, Private Classes, Group Classes, and ALL types of trials and events! We hope to see you for your specific dog activities soon! 🐾🐾🐾

👀 Watch out for the launch of our reservation system to schedule your dogs “water” time soon 👀